TwynstraGudde wins tender for coastal zone management project on Java, Indonesia
Leading partner TwynstraGudde of a consortium with Witteveen+Bos Indonesia, Akvo and the local Indonesian partner Bita, announced that the consortium has been commissioned for a project on integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) for the province of Central Java.
The consortium is to advise the authorities on a long-term strategy that includes the principles of ICZM. A kick off meeting is planned for March and following a period of familiarisation, the principles are to be applied in two years time.
Construction of permeable bamboo piled dams with brush wood holds many aspects of sustainable coastal zone management as it involves local communities. On top photo are the permeable dams at Rembang allowing sediment from the sea to pass and hold it back (right).Sustainable coastal development
"We are delighted that we have won this tender", said advisor Susan Arts of TwynstraGudde Water Consultancy. "With this project we really hope to contribute to the future of Central Java."
Arts: We will help the province of Central Java to familiarize itself with the principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management."
Ensure lasting effects
In Java many people live and work at the coast. The rapid population growth and the increasing urbanization are taking their toll. This causes all sorts of problems on the north coast of Java, such as land subsidence, a decline in biodiversity and more vulnerability to flooding.
The government of the Central Java Province wants to respond with a sustainable coastal development with a lasting effect, including a strategy, organisation and management plan.
The Dutch-Indonesian consortium will assist the local authorities with knowledge development and capacity building to implement ICZM.
Training for Trainers workshop in Semarang in January as part of the Building with Nature Indonesia programme, run by Deltares and Delft university of technology.Dutch-Indonesian partnership
In 2016 the Dutch and Indonesian government signed a Letter of intent for cooperation in activities in coastal restoration and revitalization of the North coast of Java.
One of the icon projects is the coastal restoration near Demak where local communities build wooden permeable dams to catch silt sediments for mangroves to return.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) tendered the ICZM-project so consultancy firms can assist the province of Central Java in stopping the erosion in a sustainable way.
The consortium that won the tender includes consultancy firm TwynstraGudde, contributing with its experience in learning development. Consultancy firm Witteveen+Bos is an engineering firm with technical knowledge and experience with projects in Java.
Foundation AKVO will develop a special section on its Akvodepia with information on integral coastal management for the province and all stakeholders involved. The content of the Wikipedia-based portal will be strongly visualised.
This news item was originally published on the website of TwynstraGudde (in Dutch only).
Read also on this website
● Egyptian-Dutch panel identifies next steps in integrated coastal zone management, 28 May 2018
● Big steps forward on coastal restoration by Building with Nature consortium in Demak, Indonesia, 18 January 2018
● Dutch-Indonesian support for Javanese communities to restore their coast line, 20 October 2017
● Project: Mangrove restoration Java
● Country: Indonesia
More information
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Icon ICZM-project is in Demak, Northern Java, where the Building with Nature approach is implemented to address the root causes of coastal integration, by integrating mangrove and river restoration, small-scale engineering and sustainable land and water use (with English subtitles).