dws-antea-world-bank-india-770pxThe World Bank has assigned Dutch-based consultancy firm Antea to assist India and Benin with two water-related projects. The project in India is on an integrated river basin plan, in Benin on an integrated coastal plan.

Water is one of the key topics on the World Bank’s global development agenda.

Strategic plan for Brahmaputra river basin
The water-related project in India concerns the strategic basin assessment of the Brahmaputra river basin (on top photo). Antea Group has been asked to develop knowledge base and modelling tools.

These tools are to be used to examine the potential development in the basin, and support an information-based dialogue within and between riparian basin entities.

The assignment involves developing, documenting and disseminating various scenarios for improving the state of the river and maintaining an acceptable level of economic productivity.

The assignment is carried out in collaboration with International Water Management Institute and Unesco-IHE.

dws-antea-world-bank-benin-coast-350px  Benin's coast suffers from severe erosion.

Coastal climate adaptation
The assignment in Benin concerns an integrated multi-sectoral investment plan for coastal climate change adaptation. The plan will be based on information collected through literature review, site visits, interviews, and two stakeholder workshops.

Antea is to carry out a multi-sectoral investment plan for adaptation to the hazards generated by climate change on the Beninese coastal zones, particularly coastal erosion.

The plan will be based on information collected through literature review, site visits, interviews, and two stakeholder workshops.

This news item was originally published on the website of Antea Group.

Read also on this website
Antea Group assigned for commercial development plan Panama Canal, 19 August 2015
Oranjewoud takes over Géo-Hyd in France, 5 February 2013
● Countries: India
● Countries: Benin

More information
Antea Group Netherlands
Heerenveen, the Netherlands
+31 513 63 45 67